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Ipinapakita ang mga post mula sa Agosto, 2017

Carol Barrett Toronto - Five Things to Remember as an Internet Radio DJ

Setting up your internet radio station is only the start to the tedious task you will be going to experience. You have to deal with your broadcast playlist, ideas not to mention you need to know the secrets in order to be a good radio DJ too. Being a radio DJ has its own set of difficulties and in order to get your music program into a success, first you need to be a good radio DJ. As a DJ, you are expected to handle everything from the technical aspect up to the content you are going to share. Carol Barrett Toronto as the DJ of the Ruby Slippers knows what it takes in order to overcome these challenges. Here are five tips she wants to share in order for you to kick off the internet radio as a good and capable DJ. 1. Always start a broadcast prepared It's a dreadful sin to come in and start a broadcast unprepared. As a radio DJ, make sure to prepare your script before hand. Have all the music checked and to a dry run if needed to practice the flow of the show...